Author: prince.cheema
How to add uploaded file URL in WP CF7’s Email
Hello Guys, Hope you all are doing good. Today we are going to discuss regarding adding the uploaded media URL into our contact form 7 email. First of all you need to install the WordPress plugin “Contact Form 7 Database Addon – CFDB7“. Once you install this plugin. All your form submissions will be store…
How to use google SMTP in top recommend way
Hi Guys, Today we will discuss regarding getting SMTP details for our projects from google. Its suggested on many sites that we can use our gmail username and password as SMTP credentials along with other required parameters which we need to write in our SMTP configurations parameters ie: So according to above details, sometime these…
Get Git Basic Commands List Simple Helpful
Hi Guys, Today we will list out some basic Git commands which will help you in managing your code version control. Because these are basic commands and very easy to keep in mind and easy to use for your code versioning. Therefore, I hope you will get these commands very helpful for you in your…
Get test credit card numbers to test payment free
Hi Guys, Today I found a very helpful page to get multiple credit card numbers for testing. Which helped me in my projects to test those cards. So, I want to say that many time we came into a situation where we need some test payment card to test payment functionality in our project. And…
Get free good wavy svg image for background fast
Hi Guys, Today I found a very helpful page to get a wavy background for our websites. It ask for minor 3-4 option to select and give you option to download the final image. So I thought to share this information with you. Below is the link where you can see all the above information…
Show time in local timezone with PHP & Javascript easily
Hi Guys, We always come into a situation where we need to handle time in users local timezone. This can be achieved in different ways One is to ask users their current timezone on the time of registration and store into database along with other user data. its better to store the value of timezone…
Welcome you all lovely guys to my first Blog
Welcome to my blog. This is my first post. After that I am going to start posting the contents I like, which could be anything 🙂 . I hope you guys will like it too and find it helpful as well. As I am newbie in blog post. so there would be many chances that…